Preliminary Configurations for Data Synchronization with Procore


The Configuration option enables you to enter all the settings necessary to the proper operation of the maestro*Procore interface.





Technical Installation Required in maestro*

  1. The Procore key must be entered in the maestro* Installation Options window.


Security Management

Remember that users who are called upon tp perform synchronizations with Procore will have to be given the access rights by the maestro* administrator. These access rights can be given through the Security Management and User Group Management options.


  1. The maestro*WEB kit must be installed.
    1. The Web/Mobile adresse must be entered (General Settings > Miscellaneous > Server Configuration).
  2. The XML interface must be installed with the Web service.
  3. If both previous elements are installed on different servers, the communication between both of them is essential in both directions (CLOUD customers at Orizo, for example).

Test Environment

Each client should have test data in order to verify the synchronizations before the go-live and before using new features.


When we use a test company in maestro*, it is essential to also use a test environment in Procore.

In no case whatsoever should a production environment (whether it be in maestro* or Procore) be paired with a test environment, to then pair the production environments by modifying the authentication parameters.

This could cause major data integrity problems.

In maestro*

In maestro*, it is possible to use a test company.

In Procore

As for Procore, it allows to have two different types of test environment.

  • The regular sandbox
    • Environment (data set) that is never updated at Procore.
    • Recommended in the initial pre-production period to allow for a longer testing period.
  • The monthly sandox
    • Environment (data set) updated monthly from the production environment.
    • Recommended in parallel with production.


Installing the maestro* Application in Procore

  1. Go to the Procore website (
  2. Enter the user (your email) and password. Click on Log In.
  3. Select your company.
  4. In the upper right corner of the window, click on Applications.
  5. Click on Marketplace.
  6. Use the search field to find the Maestro*ERP Connector application. The Maestro*ERP application will appear.
  7. Click on the Install button.
  8. Back in your company page, click on Apps (in the upper right corner) and select the App Management option.
  9. Click on the View button, which can be found to the left of the Maestro*ERP Connector application.
  10. Click on the Permissions tab and make sure the Automatically add these permissions to all new projects option is activated.
  11. In the Permitted Projects field, select all the projects that will have to be synchronized.
  12. Click on Add.


Configurating the Procore Interface in maestro*


maestro* > Maintenance > Maintenance Interface > Procore > Configuration


Authentication Tab

  1. Complete the Authentication tab.



Procore API URL*

The API call to production must use the basic URL address

Custom URL

It may happen that your production URL differs from the regular format. This value can be directly edited in the field, after having selected the Custom URL check box.

To use it in a sandbox type test environment, the URL will rather have a format similar to: or, according to the chosen type. Please validate this address with your IT agent.

  1. Click on Connect to Procore.
  2. The Procore authentication window appears: enter the email and password used to connect to the company Procore account and click on Log In.
  3. Back in maestro* after logging in to Procore, the Procore Company field is displayed: select the company in which the synchronization must be performed.

If using maestro*'s multidimensional mode, this configuration is done using prefixes.

If there is a single Procore environment for multiple different prefixes, the same information will have to be entered in each prefix for which a synchronization will be performed.


Synchronization Settings Tab

The Synchronization Settings allows the selection of the entities that will need to be synchronized.

The arrows in the Direction column indicate in which direction the synchronization be completed.

The Procore Entity Name column shows how the entities are identified in Procore.

The following entities can be synchronized:






Creation works both ways, meaning that a project created in Procore can be created in maestro*, and vice-versa.

In maestro*, it is required to identify projects that must be linked to Procore.

In Procore, it is not possible to identify which projects must not be linked to maestro*. They are all therefore available for synchronization.

It is possible to synchronize a maestro* project/sub-project with a Procore equivalent.

Original Budget


The master budget is in maestro*, which means the synchronization is always done towards Procore. Only the original budget is synchronized without modifications.

Modified Budget


The modified budget is in Procore, which means the synchronization is always done towards maestro*. The modified budget is synchronized in the Modification column, under Activities and Budgets tab of the Project Management option in maestro*.



Creation works both ways, meaning that a supplier created in Procore can be created in maestro*, and vice-versa.

In maestro*, it is required to identify suppliers that must be linked to Procore.

In Procore, it is possible to indicate which suppliers (companies) must not be linked to those in maestro* : you must enter NOTMAESTRO (PASMAESTRO in French) in the Tags/Keywords field of the companies in Procore.

Billing Contract Change Orders


The billing contract's change orders are transferred to the change orders of the contract in maestro*.

Stock Orders from Catalogue or Regular Orders


Purchase orders in Procore can be synchronized in maestro* either as stock orders from catalogue OR as regular orders, according to what was determined in the Orders tab.



Subcontracts in Procore are synchronized as subcontracts in maestro*.

Subcontract Change Orders


Subcontracts' change orders (CCO) are transferred as subcontracts in maestro*.

Project Costs

Project Costs - Hours


All project costs are transferred from maestro* as direct costs in Procore. Procore supports three types of costs: 

  • Purchases
  • Expenses
  • Payroll/Hours
    • For this type, it is possible to choose the information that will be entered in Procore. Only the total amount is mandatory.

Order Invoicing


Order invoices are synchronized from maestro* to Procore.



Creation works both ways, meaning that a customer created in Procore can be created in maestro*, and vice-versa.



The prime contract in synchronized from Procore to maestro*.



Employees are synchronized from maestro* to Procore.



The synchronization order is important because of the dependencies between the entities. For instance, project costs depend on previously synchronized projects.


Projects Tab

The Project tab allows you to determine how activity codes are associated between maestro* and Procore. The multi-tiered mode of Procore cost codes is supported by the interface in direct or concatenated mode.


For now, you must choose one mode or the other. It is not possible to have some projects in a concatenate mode and others in direct mode.



In Procore, only the last level can have costs.

It is not required to have all Procore cost codes entered as maestro* activities - only the last level is essential.

Direct Mode

In a direct mode, the activity code in maestro* must be identical to the cost code of each level in Procore for the synchronization to work.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Maestro*
01       01
  01-A     01-A
    01-A-001   01-A-001
      01-A-001-01 01-A-001-01

Concatenation Mode

In a concatenate mode, the maestro* activity code has to be identical, in addition to each cost code, per level, in Procore, for the synchronization to work.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Maestro*
01       01
01 A     01-A
01 A 001   01-A-001
01 A 001 01 01-A-001-01



It is important to note that in Procore, it is only possible to carry out transactions with the cost codes of the last hierarchical level (these are identified in red in the above tables - Level 4 column).

Orders Tab

Indicate if the orders placed in Procore must be synchronized with the stock orders from catalogue or the regular orders.



Subcontracts are automatically sent to the Subcontract option in maestro*. No configuration to this effect is necessary.


Synchronization Manager Tab

This tab is a tool which allows to follow the status of each synchronization launched. Please refer to the Procore FAQ  for more information on this tab.


See also


Last modification: February 20, 2025